Waingapu – Sumba Island, Indonesia
ONE Island, TWO Weeks, Part 3 of 3 After finishing our final open-air night service in Lewa, We traveled to the port city of Waingapu. We quickly checking in to our hotel to grab a few precious hours of…
ONE Island, TWO Weeks, Part 3 of 3 After finishing our final open-air night service in Lewa, We traveled to the port city of Waingapu. We quickly checking in to our hotel to grab a few precious hours of…
ONE Island, TWO Weeks, Part 2 of 3 Immediately following our time of ministry in Waikabubak, we drove the long jungle road to Lewa. Lewa is centrally located in the island of Sumba, Indonesia. The population is around 10,000, so…
ONE Island, TWO weeks, Part 1of 3 So much has happened on Sumba Island in Indonesia that I thought it best to write a report in three parts. Each report will focus one individual locations. The first is Waikabubak (August…
The Hope Festival in Soe, Indonesia (July 4-7) was a great success. CONDITIONS Soe is located high on a mountain top. The two hour drive from the city of Kupang winds upward all the way to the town center of…
And Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people do to you that you have brought so great a sin upon them?” – Exodus 32:21 Familiarity can be an awful adversary. It creeps in when we are weak and often…
Paul was a man who is greatly respected by everyone who is familiar with the Bible. His personal story of trying to destroy the early church and then becoming one of its greatest advocates is nothing short of amazing. But…
There are many ways to rescue someone from a distance. Many of us would send money. Others would send a specialist in our place. But for humanity, God Himself came in person and in human flesh. He had to do…
Christmas is a wonderful time of year but for so many people, Jesus feels so far away. Many will be humming the tune of “Away in A Manger” thinking that Jesus is still far away. They live their life accordingly,…
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” 1 Peter 2:9 I was in a…
I have recently returned from a remote part of Myanmar (Burma). The Lord gave us great favor, making it possible for the meetings of more than 750 people to take place. The small wooden benches throughout the church were…