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…from Burma

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    I have recently returned from a remote part of Myanmar (Burma). The Lord gave us great favor, making it possible for the meetings of more than 750 people to take place.


    The small wooden benches throughout the church were packed full with people. They sat, hanging on every word of every message. The town’s electricity was turned off at 9:00pm each night which shortened our time to minister. However, people met in small groups outside of the church building until 1 o’clock in the morning to discuss how the messages had impacted their lives before walking home in the dark.


    mwomanMany responded to the message of salvation and were granted the forgiveness of all sin. They were given new citizenship in heaven! Others repented of areas in their lives that they had hidden from the Lord and were greatly encouraged. The Holy Spirit was present to “convict… of sin, and of righteousness and of judgment (John 16:8).” Sorrow was turned to joy and gratitude as the people began to realize what Jesus had done “for” them and there, in the meeting began to do “in” them.


    Many people also received a physical healing during these meetings. Tears and shouts of joy followed the healing work of Jesus as the incurable was proven to be curable. Jesus saves, and Jesus heals!

    A Woman of Faith

    woman_healedDuring the recent campaign in Myanmar, a lady came forward to tell of what Jesus had done in her life. There appeared to be nothing unusual about her. She could have been one of many older ladies that you would see in town.


    She had been suffering with terrible throat pain which made it nearly impossible to eat, drink, or even speak. The condition continued for a prolonged period of time (about two months).


    m_busThe woman lived in a very small village which is about a day’s journey by bus over the mountains. This trip had become necessary because the village did not have its own doctor. So, she was forced to travel while sick to the nearest town with a doctor. But when she finally arrived at the doctor’s office, she became gravely disappointed. The doctor was out of town and would not be back for another month!


    Then, a relative told her that there would be a foreigner coming to preach the gospel and pray for the sick the following week. The desperate woman consented with faith. She waited in that town an entire week for the meetings to begin.


    It was on the fourth night that she came forward to tell how Jesus had healed her completely. The town doctor was out of town, but Dr. Jesus had not left her. She had come for Him and He granted her healing.


    Praise God for His faithfulness!

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