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Waingapu – Sumba Island, Indonesia

ONE Island, TWO Weeks, Part 3 of 3

After finishing our final open-air night service in Lewa, We traveled to the port city of Waingapu. We quickly checking in to our hotel to grab a few precious hours of sleep before starting the conference in the morning.

waing_firefestival2  waing_psahani

For five days, we ministered in the local GBI (Gereja Bethel Indonesia) church, pastured by Pastor Andreas Hani. He and his team of coworkers were a great blessing to us. The church operates a radio station which carried the gospel message (as well as the morning sessions) across large sections of Sumba Island as well as surrounding islands.

waing_inprayer waing_listening 

The morning Fire Festival lasted four consecutive mornings (Wednesday through Saturday). Many Bible students, church workers and pastors attended. The word of God went forward with the help of Suwarno and Daniel (my interpreters). Every message seemed to find its target as we ministered in the sanctuary.


Many in the final meeting received from the Holy Spirit, speaking in new tongues. On man contacted the radio station. The Lord baptized Him in the Holy Spirit as he listened to the conference.


In the final meeting, I heard the Lord speak “it only takes a spark to start a fire.” That is truly the case. And once a piece of wood catches the flame, it then wishes to spread to every twig and branch within range.


In the five evening meetings, I preached the gospel with all that was within me. The public as well as the local church members were in attendance. The wonderful team at the church was especially helpful in organizing these meetings.



Night after night, people received Jesus into their heart and life. There is no greater honor for me than to see lives change through the work of Jesus and the present work and power of the Holy Spirit. It was also encouraging to see family members of regular church attendees receive Jesus.

Few things are better than to have new believers find a home church where they are loved and received.


Several miracles took place in the meetings. Painful abnormalities that persisted from birth were healed. Testimonies of rashes and irregular heartbeats being healed were also given. One man even traveled all the way from Lewa, our previous location, to tell how the Lord had healed him. He was so grateful.

Our time in Sumba Island was wonderful. The people as well as the churches were blessed. We, as a team were also blessed by them.


All of our efforts are coordinated with local churches and believers in Christ. It is not an initiative that can be done by a single person or group. It requires that the body of Christ would take initiative in reaching out to the people in their surrounding areas. For a Hope Festival to take place, the church must work outside of its building. Businesspersons and ministers, laymen and clergy must work side by side. They are the ones who must organize and recognize the talents within their own communities in order to reach their common objective; winning the lost.

It was an honor to work with the churches and we anticipate hearing wonderful things as the Lord continues to bless Sumba Island, Indonesia through the hands and the talents of the men and women of God who work and live there.

Yours in Christ,

Jason Betler

3 thoughts on “Waingapu – Sumba Island, Indonesia”

  1. Timothy Paul Hani

    Thanks for being such a bless for Sumba… Hopefully by your ministry in Sumba.. all the people in Sumba will Be Saved..
    Keep Praying For Sumba, GBI Youth now is in the move…. we long for Revival in Sumba. especialy for the youth…

    big Thanks From me and my dad Andreas Hani

    God Bless You

  2. becaues one of my friend in Sumba Waingapu,she in Waingapu city if u find for me my friend mobil numberpls.she is name Tince she has a salon in Sumba waingapu city.i live in Australia my name is Aziz.

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