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REPORT: Dobo, Indonesia – Part 2

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    Volunteer counsellors from local churches in Dobo were standing by to welcome new believers. What a blessing to see the church jump into action. Decision cards were used to put their decision in writing. Part of the card is designed to tear off where the date was recorded so they could remember that a decision has been made.

    Additionally, we were honored to have 2,600 Gideon Bibles (in Bahasa Indonesia) to give away. Every person who completed a decision card received a dated bookmark with a short reading plan and some scriptures to establish assurance in Christ. The same bookmark was used to redeem a brand new Bible. This was such a blessing! Many people were seen hugging their Bibles. They were like precious treasures to them.

    Bibles which could not be used in this campaign were left with local churches. They will be distributed to many villages on the island. The greatest form of discipleship is to help people discover more about God through His word. Helping people feast upon the word of God themselves is one of the greatest forms of discipleship. Disciples must be learners of God’s word. …we thank God for the Gideons and their continued efforts to distribute the word of God and encourage all people to read it. We enjoy partnering with ministries who are determined to reach the lost and make disciples.


    Leaders need encouragement too. We not only conduct these Hope Festivals to reach and win the lost, but also to build up local church leaders. For three days, we poured out our hearts to local pastors and church leaders. Our ministry team consisted of Reverend Hendrik Sarioa and myself. Patrick Loh came along with me from Singapore so we also put him to work, sharing from his heart every morning.

    Practical perspective on ministry and mission, activation of spiritual gifts and Spirit-filled ministry were encouraged. Sharpening their focus on impacting their town and island for Jesus is essential. Care for church leaders in remote areas is often neglected. I consider it a valuable investment to be present and equip them. Part of the role of evangelistic ministry is “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”  (Ephesians 4:12) If we only win the lost and forget to build the church, we will have failed. The Nations Hope exists to “win the lost and equip others to do the same.”

    The final church-workers’ meeting ended powerfully with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The government room in which we met was on fire! Police and government officials were standing along the rear of the room, observing along with several school children. Many people received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It seemed the Spirit was also working in many lives, Personally ministering to each attendee. It was as though years of heartache and frustration was being released.

    It was a truly remarkable time of empowerment and refreshing. Jesus is faithful to His workers.

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