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Taipei: A Short Report


    All of Asia Pacific is included within the vision of The Nations Hope. But ministry had been largely focused in the southern portion of the region, until now. I was greatly encouraged on my recent trip to Taipei.


    banquet room


    Among the highlights of the weekend was the banquet put on by the local churches in Taipei. I was surprised to see more than 550 people who came for a meal with their friends and yield their curiosity to the gospel of Jesus Christ.


    taipei preachIt was a privilege to share the gospel following the meal. More than 100 people welcomed Jesus into their hearts that night. Family and friends rejoiced at what God had done. It was an evening worth celebrating.


    I was especially blessed to hear that one young man called me an “amateur.” He claimed that he had heard other preachers and could not understand what they were trying to say. It was for that reason that he considered them to be “professional.” Then he claimed that when he heard the gospel that night at the dinner, he understood everything! Therefore, he said, “Pastor Jason must be an amateur.” It was a great compliment, but I don’t ever care if I am considered an amateur or a professional. Rank and compliments matter little. The clarity of the gospel message is what matters most.


    taipei_handsEphesians 4:16 has always fascinated me. The church is described as a growing and functioning body being “joined and knit together by what every joint supplies…” The health and function of every part of the body is only possible through proper joining. For example, your toe cannot function as it should if it were connected to your ear! It must be connected to your foot if it is to be of any benefit to you. Ministry function is the same way. The function of each ministry must be properly connected if it is to be effective.


    team taiwanThe Lord has provided a special connection for The Nations Hope in Taiwan. Two married couples for which I am very grateful. It was wonderful to know them and to hear their heart for seeing people come to Christ. “Dear GC, Stella, Allen and Tina, thank you for your help! You are an incredible blessing and it is an honor to work with you.”


    This was only my first of many trips to Taiwan. I believe that we will see a mighty harvest of souls throughout the entire country.


    Please visit our web site at www.nationshope.org to learn more about The Nations Hope.



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