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Lewa – Sumba Island, Indonesia

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    ONE Island, TWO Weeks, Part 2 of 3 

    Immediately following our time of ministry in Waikabubak, we drove the long jungle road to Lewa. Lewa is centrally located in the island of Sumba, Indonesia. The population is around 10,000, so we knew that the attendance would also not be as high as the more populous areas, but we are obligated to go where the people are.

    I recently heard of a dear minister who called himself a “rural evangelist.” Hearing that tells me a lot about him. It tells me that this man is serious about reaching the lost regardless of where they live. If a person is lost, it does not matter where they live. It only matters that they are found. People who live just around the corner are no more important than those who live in the most remote places of the world. Jesus gave His life for every person, so we are obligated to go to every person.

    lewa repentance

    Crowds are wonderful so long as there is real impact made by the gospel. But impact, not crowds is our objective. And so it was with Lewa; a place (the local people tell me) is always “overlooked. No one ever comes here,” is what I was told when we first visited this location.

    We ministered for two days in Lewa (September 3-4). Each day included two morning sessions for local ministers and church workers and an evening meeting where the gospel was preached and we also prayed for the sick to be healed.

    lewa truck

    The evening meetings were wonderful. The platform was the bed of a construction truck. It was loaded up with the sound system, keyboard, overhead projector, the worship team, Suwarno (my interpreter) and myself. Lights were mounted on bamboo sticks and the entire rig was powered by a generator.

    lewa come by truck lewa a crowd

    Many people gathered as night began to fall. Many arrived in the backs of trucks that had been sent out throughout town to gather anyone who was willing to attend. It seems that they came hungry for the word of God. They listened with intense interest.

    lewa boys listen lewa girl notes

    Every word of the gospel seemed to find a home in hundreds of hearts. It is truly the power of God. Fathers, mothers and children were swept clean of sin as they heard how Jesus washes away all sin and no lives to give them a home in heaven.

    lewa crowd

    Time was given for praying for the sick to be healed as well and many people received a healing in their body. One woman’s eyesight was restored. Another found that she was now able to walk without anymore pain! Praise be to God.

    lewa leaders receive

    Leaders’ Conference (our Fire Festival) was very well attended. About 75 ministers from this rural location were expected to participate, but 150 showed up! What an honor it was to spend some time encouraging these servants of God. Each of them can reach people that I cannot reach. They have a unique place of service within the body of Christ.

    lewa laying hands

    I made certain that I preached my heart out over these two days. Nothing was withheld from them. The gospel had great effect and it was an honor to go there.

    hosts listening

    (The team and I would like to thank Budi, and his family who were excellent hosts. We enjoyed our stay and miss you all. May the Lord forever bless you.)

    Yours in Christ,

    Jason Betler

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