A Message of Hope
God’s unique love for us is certain and real. What has taken place through the unique life, murder, and resurrection power in Jesus Christ is hope to us today.
We all know life is not the way it is supposed to be. Yet, even in our insecurity, loneliness, anxiety, and brokenness, we recognize there must be more; where the unloved are loved, the sick are made well, the unforgivable are reconciled, and we are finally united. We were made for love.
Our Approach
We are “big” on relationships. Our personal relationship of knowing God is essential. The result brings renewed hope to our neighbors and nation; to live in love with one another, and embrace the wider community around us.
Discover the God of Hope
Jesus gives hope in our darkness, and it is making all things new. Therefore, making the good news of Jesus known is essential and central. We do this online as well as personally and through city-wide campaigns; to discover the God of hope.
Live in Love
We encourage and give biblical perspectives to see God working in our own lives and struggles and grow in love. Everyday life becomes the classroom where our character is built and the adventure truly begins. The struggle and the victories are real.
Engage your World
God’s love is unique. It is altogether different than the “love” seen in advertisements that distract us from our pain. Christian character requires us to “take up the cross” and engage our world. (Mark 10:21) We are not activists, but Love leads us to make a different in the lives of those around us.
Our Story
Jason Betler is the founding evangelist of The Nations Hope and regional minister with The Foursquare Church. He has served at the side of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and has also pastored a church in San Jose, California USA. He is a passionate preacher of the good news of Jesus Christ and of the body of Christ in Asia where he has ministered since 2005. Jason and His wife, Angelique reside in Singapore with their three children.
Long Version
Jason Betler is the founding evangelist and founder of The Nations Hope.
Jason was raised in the Northeastern part of the United States near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Raised in a small church, he became familiar with the word of God and the hymns. However, it was not until later that he came to faith in Christ.
Jason responded to Jesus’ call of salvation and was born into God’s family at a music audition in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) in 1993. “Jesus found me right where I was,” Jason recalls. “No church service or preacher necessary; just Jesus and me. I had prayed, saying ‘Jesus, I could use you right now.’ It was not the most elegant prayer, but apparently that was all Jesus needed. Jesus stepped into my life and I suddenly felt so clean inside! I was forgiven of all guilt and I knew it. I also remember feeling loved like never before. It was amazing. My whole world was changed in a single moment.”
Jason quickly became a vocal advocate of the gospel to his classmates. He was a sophomore, studying music at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (USA) during that time.
A year later, while watching an interview on Christian television, Jason saw what the Lord was doing in Africa through a man named Reinhard. Jason remembers “something ‘clicked’ deep within me and I remember jumping up and yelling at the television, saying ‘Lord! That’s the real thing, and that is where I want to be!”
Jason relocated to Orlando, Florida (USA) in 1997 and was involved with various ministries in the local church. During a Sunday morning class, he met Matthias Schleier, who had just just moved to town with Christ for all Nations; the ministry of German Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. Matthias and Jason became roommates at the same time Evangelist Bonnke relocated to the United States. Jason was invited to join the office team and soon found himself traveling and serving as Bonnke’s Personal Assistant.
At Bonnke’s side, Jason saw the power of God in action – leading millions to salvation. Physical healings and a myriad of testimonies followed wherever the gospel was proclaimed. And Jason began to catch a vision for what God could do in other parts of the world; especially Asia.
A stop at the Christ for all Nations office in Germany caused a meeting between Angelique and Jason. Not thinking they had much in common, Angelique began speaking about her desire to be a missionary in China and Asia. The relationship blossomed and they were married in 2003.
From Evangelist Bonnke, Jason caught the vision to form a ministry having a similar evangelistic nature. With Bonnke’s blessing, Jason and Angelique founded The Nations Hope in 2004.
The Nations Hope grew quickly and the Betler family, now with Juoleanne (3) and Jonathan (2 months), moved to Singapore in 2008. They soon expanded with an office in Jakarta, Indonesia for a time as well.
Jason’s activity was largely focused on Southeast Asian countries. Indonesia, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, the Philippines are but a few. Taiwan and other Asian countries were also frequented. Anywhere the gospel could be preached!
Gospel crusades drew large crowds in unlikely (and often overlooked) areas. Multiplied thousands of people were finding salvation in Jesus Christ. Testimonies of physical healings happened in many meetings. The response to the good news of Jesus brought peace and reconciliation to families, churches, local governments, and cities.
Jason Betler often ministered in churches and training of church leaders and business gatherings.
Changes came in 2015 as the Lord led Jason and Angelique, and their family (now also with Jeremiah) to pioneer a church in San Jose, California where they pastored for 5 years before returning to focus on The Nations Hope in 2020.
They are currently in the process of returning to Singapore with the double-duty of serving as regional missionaries along with their other evangelistic initiatives.
Education and Credentials
Jason holds a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (AGTS) in Springfield, Missouri, USA. He is an ordained minister of The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel and a regional missionary to Southeast Asia under Foursquare Missions International (FMI).
Jason and Angelique have three children: Juoleanne, Jonathan and Jeremiah.
Evangelist Jason Betler speaks and ministers in churches, revival meetings, conferences, gospel crusades, or wherever the Holy Spirit allows him to go.
Faces of the nations
What others are saying
“Evangelist Jason Betler is well known to me. He is of impeccable character and lives an exemplary life. Jason has a deep burden for the lost to be saved and carries a powerful evangelistic anointing. His heart is burning with the fire of the Holy Spirit to see the captives set free. Although he ministers across the world, the continent of his special calling is Asia. God’s hand rests mightily upon him and I believe the Lord will use him to shake whole nations.”
Missionary (Hong Kong)
“Brother Jason Betler has traveled with us extensively in mainland China and has ministered in several major house church network leadership meetings. His ministry in China has helped hundreds of church leaders. We also know he travels to many Asian nations, has ministered all over Asia and understands the needs of Chinese and other Asian. I can highly recommend him.”
“I have known Jason Betler for several years. I have no doubt that God has been anointed him in mighty way to reach the lost and the heal the sick. For several occasions, I witnessed the power of God manifested through The Nations Hope ministry. I would like to encourage our fellow leaders to welcome and even support him for His glory. I thank God for knowing and working together with Ev. Jason Betler.”
Missionary (Asia/Global)
“I want to invite you to get to know the Betlers and be encouraged by their joy and passion to touch people with the truth, love and power of Jesus. Jason has a big, contagious vision and I have personally been challenged and blessed by his determination and faithfulness to serve and be an effective instrument in the harvest. I love, admire and respect this family and celebrate their lives and ministry!”
What We Believe
We embrace the Nicene Creed
Nicene Creed
We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen.
We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father; God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God; begotten not made, one in being with the Father. Through Him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation He came down from heaven. By the power of the Holy Spirit He was born of the Virgin Mary and became man. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate. He suffered, died, and was buried. On the third day He rose again, in fulfillment of the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and His kingdom will have no end.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets.
We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
We are forever grateful to Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke (1940-1919) and the Christ for all Nations team. Pastor Bonnke’s example, mentoring, friendship and love has meant the world to us. We honor him as we continue to preach the glorious gospel of Christ; plundering hell to populate heaven for Calvary’s sake.
With Gratitude
Reinhard Bonnke entered into his heavenly reward in December 2019. He was mightily used by God as one of the most effective evangelists of our time. He was also a father in ministry to Jason Betler, who served as Bonnke’s personal assistant in the early 2000’s. The influence of this working relationship led to Jason launching a ministry with a similar evangelistic DNA; The Nations Hope.