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REPORT: Dobo, Indonesia – Part 3

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    Nevermind that Wamar Island is known as a demonic stronghold, Jesus was present to heal and Dobo suddenly became a “miracle zone.” Night after night, testimonies were given attesting to the life-changing and healing power of Jesus Christ.

    One girl who had been dumb (unable to speak) since birth stood next to me. She was whispering; repeating words as I whispered them in her ear. The surprised look on her face as she slowly shaped her mouth to repeat the sounds she heard me speak made my heart race with excitement. If this was showmanship, it was Jesus showing magnificent love. The girl’s mother stood by with tears streaming down her face as she listened to her daughter speak for the first time in her life.

    Jesus continued. A man who had been unable to see clearly for many years testified they could see clearly. Another blind left eye was healed after being unable to see for years.

    One night, it seemed that we had a special anointing for left legs to be healed! (I say this in jest.) Testimony after testimony was healing from a condition in the left leg.

    Several people who for years needed the help of a walking stick to get around, carried their stick to the platform. Their legs had become stronger. Without thinking twice, they left the stick behind. They had decided to lean on Jesus rather than a walking stick.

    There are simply too many healings to list in a report. Jesus’ health insurance plan is the best in the world! The insurance premium is pre-paid by His precious blood. When you need a healing, you will the with the Great Physician every time!


    Plans for our next outreach are for Myanmar in December. (Plans are currently being finalized.) Also, the Hope Festivals in Indonesia will continue as we are able. Together with our team and ministry partners, we hopes to expand with school outreaches, prison ministry, youth events and church-wide equipping for personal evangelism and discipleship.

    The burden for souls to be saved in Asia is heavy upon my heart. Asia must be saved! We have A LOT of people who need salvation, but we also need financial partners and supporters to enable us to get there. There is cost in winning the lost. Jesus said “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)  He did not say our treasure is where the heart is, but rather the heart is where the treasure is at. Where and how we invest our time and resources (our treasure) determines where our heart is.

    If we neglect the Great Commission to ” “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), we also fail in the Great Commandment: “Jesus said… ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37–39) If we are to follow Jesus, we must want what He wants. It must be His way; not our own way. Let us follow Jesus together into a great and wonderful harvest of souls such as the world has never ever seen before!


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