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Evangelism Training in Pahyarphyu, Myanmar

    In Pahyarphyu, Myanmar, almost 80 people were trained for evangelism and outreach. We spent two full days in training. Attendees were equipped and encouraged and sent out in teams on the third day.

    We discussed how to lead people to Christ through conversation, prayer and personal testimony. Making “Gospel bracelets” also gave them something to talk about and gave them the ability to share Christ simply with children. Addressing how to deal with a new believer’s family was also part of the training. And of course, I taught boldly of the Holy Spirit. He IS the Evangelist after all.

    Teams went out to various parts of society. Some went to the elderly. Others visited disabled veterans. Some were on their way to one location and stopped to visit the slum areas. They were all effective! They were encouraged to see how God would use them with only an ounce of boldness.

    One lady who attended the training was sent out with a team of believers. A few hours later, she called my friend with tears of joyful excitement. She had just led her first person to Jesus. What a triumph! A soul-winner was born that day.

    During the first day following the conclusion of the training, I understand 46 people came to know Jesus through those who we sent out. It will take some time to gather all the reports. Many of the trained believers broke into teams that went out to reach villages which required 2-3 days of traveling to reach, much of it by foot!

    When the church loves enough, we will get outside our cake-and-coffee-zone and find a way to reach people with the good news of Jesus Christ.

    Three things are for certain:

    1.            The Gospel never fails. (It is unstoppable.)

    2.            Everyone needs the Gospel.

    3.            We are called to preach the Gospel.



    Several people have asked me why we are “training.” To be sure, I am more of a gospel preacher than a trainer. The Nations Hope is very much geared to organizing large outreaches. However, there are many areas which need to be reached where we are not yet free to operate in that way. (At other times, we may also be limited financially.) We exist to (1)win the lost and (2)equip others to do the same. Part of the call of any minister is “for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” (Eph.4:12) Equipping the church is part of the role of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, apostle, teacher, pastor, etc.  The entire church is called to faith and love in action. “Who is preaching Sunday morning” is less important to God than people coming to Jesus. It is much easier when we are not concerned who among us gets the credit. All glory to Jesus!

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