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Healing Week: “His Compassion is His Guarantee”

    If I would say my wife does not care about me (especially when I am not well) invalidates her love for me. It shames her and declares that our relationship is a farce. Fake. Even more, to suggest that God does not desire to intervene for our sickness is to say the same. It is an assault to His loving character. “God is love.” (1 John 4:8)

    Jesus is our example of God in Scripture. Every time He met a sick person face-to-face, we read that He was willing to heal (Matt.8:3, Mk.1:41, Lk.5:13) and “moved with compassion.” (Matt.9:36, 14:14, 20:34, Mk.1:41, Lk.7:13) He is a God who loves to love and to show mercy on the sick. In addition to His promise and willingness to heal, …His compassion is his guarantee.

    PICTURE: young lady in Iloilo City, Philippines was healed of cataract in each eye.

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