August 22, 2006
A short drive (one and a half hours) out of Sorong, over a bumpy dirt road will take you to a community called Klamono. Klamono was the first town to begin producing oil in Western Papua and still produces oil today. The community itself contains 800 people with 3,000 living in the area. We were asked to come and minister there for one evening which we gladly did, and what a blessing it was to myself as well as the people. More than half of the area population came out to see and to hear God’s message of salvation at work!
I am told that this was only the third outdoor meeting that the churches here had ever had in their entire history. And to make it even more interesting, I became the first foreigner ever to preach there. Even the mayor of Klamono was present throughout the night for this blessed occasion.
The town had provided their best of everything. The preaching platform was ingeniously supported by empty oil drums. Lights were strung and speakers were stacked high, one upon the other with the greatest of care to make ready for the word of God to be delivered. I was so blessed to see how the people had so diligently prepared for this meeting. No red carpet event in Hollywood could compare to this! This was giving true honor to God. No expense was spared for the sake of the gospel. They had other needs for sure, but none of them compared to their desire for others to know Jesus. Some local business persons even made a personal investment to ensure that this meeting was made possible. Nothing moves me more than to see the love and hunger for real truth; for the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit was in action as my interpreter Iwan and I preached the word of God. The powerful truths of the gospel drilled deeper into human souls than any oil well through the earth’s crust. Many people were touched by the finger of God that night and were changed for all eternity. They received forgiveness of their sins, gladly welcoming Jesus into their heart.
We closed the meeting with prayer for healing and reports began to be heard of how Jesus had met the physical needs of the people. One man cam and told of about his little boy who had a tumor in the stomach. But then explained that Jesus had touched the boy that night and the lump in the stomach was completely gone! We danced and gave glory to God for al that He had done.
This evening is a treasured moment in my life and ministry as well as that of the people. I also feel that it was a truly special moment in human history. Jesus honored Klamono that night because the people honored Jesus.
There are others who are waiting to hear the gospel, and this ministry (The Nations Hope) is eager to bring it to them. It is our responsibility to preach the gospel, and like Klamono, the Holy Spirit is ready to move on the hearts of the people. Jesus is willing and ready to save!
Please stand with us in this endeavor of reaching those who are in need and hunger for the gospel. Together, we will be able to see their live be made full of the love of God.
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