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VIDEO: Hundreds come to Jesus! Alor, Indonesia

    Click on the picture to watch on Vimeo.
    Click on the picture to watch on Vimeo.

    We just completed a Gospel campaign in Alor, Indonesia. And we thought you would lik to see the response to one of the altar calls. Nothing compares to the eternal value and victory that happens when masses of people come to Jesus. It s where God and man meet and human destinies are rescued; finding rest in the hand of the Father. 

    Each night, as we led the prayer of salvation, people wept as the shackes of sin lost their hold. To hear such a sound, one wonders ow long they have been bound up and chained to their sin. How tragic. So many are still in bondage. They have yet to discover Jesus; the “bondage breaker!” 

    [vimeo 104501480 w=1280 h=720]

    Healings are always a part of our campaigns and Alor was no different. One of our favorite healings was the first testimony we heard on the first night. A woman cam forward and held out her arm. She claimed she could not move it for many years. She stood there with a smile, moving her ark up and down in all directions. 

    Another lady came forward and told the crowd she had had severe digestive problems for an extended period of time. As she said, while we were preaching the Gospel that night, she felt a sharp edge pass through the middle of her body. It was “like a knife” had cut right through her, she said in Bahasa Indonesia. But after this invisible “cut,” she realized that all her pain and cramping were gone!  Jesus just could not wait to heal her and went ahead without our prayers!

    What a wonderful Jesus He is!

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