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Nusakambangan Prison

    What a joy it was to work with friends at Nusakambangan prison in Indonesia for their first-ever Christmas celebration!

    Nusakambangan is a notorious maximum security island prison off the coast of Java. the only thing on this jungle island are seven (7) prison compounds. Only the prison guards , their families and a few handfuls of locals live on the island. It is impossible to drive there. The only access is by way of ferry across the water. It is also said 19 tigers populate the island as a deterrent for any prisoner plotting their escape.

    As a foreigner, it is commonly thought to take 6 months to get a permit to preach or minister to the prisoners but the Lord opened a way that I was able to enter and minister within days! We were all a bit surprised but keep enjoying the doors Jesus continues to open.

    This was also unusual as it was a combined Christmas celebration, worship teams from the various compounds on the island were brought together to lead worship in a friendly competition. 😉 I thought the idea was brilliant! This was a first-ever event of its kind. What a privilege to see inmates from narcotics and even death row worshiping the Lord with all their strength. It is proof that the human heart was built for the hope of the gospel and people can bloom and grow no matter where they are in the world. 

    We ministered and were blessed all at the same time. Prisoners were inside as well as outside the prison chapel. The good news of Jesus Christ was proclaimed. Lives were saved and hell was shamed!

    Special thanks to my friends Arif, Febi and Pastor Esther. You are all my heroes in the kingdom of God and I look forward to all the Lord has prepared for you!

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