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Malaysia Trip Report

    I have recently returned from 9 days of ministry in Malaysia (21-30 July). It was both serving in Kuala Lumpur (KL) and Ipoh. Although these were generally smaller churches, Jesus is no less powerful! Lives were changed and I am rejoicing!

    Through the small groups, 15 people came to know Jesus as their Savior for the first time. These persons were quickly connected to established local churches where they will continue to grow as disciples.

    We know that Jesus heals and so we pray for the sick to be healed. There were several healings that took place. A broken foot, throat problems and nerve-related leg pain were some of the healings that were reported.

    Training in personal evangelism was also an important part of this trip. Over two evenings, the local church in Ipoh was trained on how to effectively share the good news with others. At the close of the training, I prayed over many of the participants and the Holy Spirit continued to equip, deliver and release these believers through various healings and prophetic words.

    Teaching and encouraging the church on missions Sunday was a great joy to me. It is so easy for our church gatherings top become “in-gatherings;” loving one another inside and neglecting the lost world outside. It takes constant reminding to maintain an outward focus in the church.

    Many thanks to Pastor Henry Liew and his team of ministers in Malaysia. We are moving forward together, always celebrating, planning and preparing for what God is doing. The next stop is an outreach in Myanmar in late August. Thank you all for helping to continue this work. Let us keep moving forward in Jesus’ name!

    Asia Must Be Saved!

    Jason Betler

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